From Soil to Harvest

March Gardening Check List: Embrace the Green Thumb Magic

March Gardening Check List: Embrace the Green Thumb Magic

March Gardening Adventures

March is the month where the garden starts to awaken from its winter slumber, and there's a whole lot of magic waiting to happen! From tidying up and preparing the soil to starting seeds indoors and planting cold-hardy veggies outdoors, there's something for every gardener to dive into. Don't forget the love for perennials, fruit trees, and those early-blooming flowers! With a little pruning, pest patrol, and mulch magic, we're set for a season of flourishing growth and vibrant colors. Just remember to adjust these activities based on your local climate zone, and let the gardening adventure begin! 🌱✨

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February Hobby Gardening Checklist

February Hobby Gardening Checklist

February holds a special place in the gardening calendar as it marks the transition from winter to the anticipation of spring. While the weather may still be chilly in many regions, this month signals the time to prepare your garden for the upcoming growing season. Paying close attention to your USDA planting zone is crucial, as it guides you in determining the right timing for various tasks.
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January Gardening Checklist

January Gardening Checklist

Welcome to the January edition of our gardening checklist! As the new year begins, it's time to prepare your garden for the upcoming seasons. Here's a comprehensive list of tasks to ensure a thriving and beautiful garden throughout the year.
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December Gardening Checklist

December Gardening Checklist

As December unfolds and winter tightens its grip, many gardeners might be tempted to hang up their gloves and trowels until spring returns. However, seasoned gardeners know that there's much to enjoy and accomplish in the garden even during the colder months. In this blog post, we'll explore the joys and benefits of gardening in December, providing tips on how to make the most of this seemingly dormant season
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How To Store Winter Squash: Enjoy this Shelf Stable Vegetables for Months

How To Store Winter Squash: Enjoy this Shelf Stable Vegetables for Months

If you are anything like me- you love #wintersquashseason! Whether you grew your own, or want to stock up from the store with USA grown winter squash, here are some tips for storing:
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What can you do in your garden during the month of November?

What can you do in your garden during the month of November?

In the Northern Hemisphere, November marks the peak of the autumn season. Trees change color, shedding their leaves, and creating picturesque landscape. In Washington State, we start to see a serious drop in temperature, which can cause issues in your garden. With that in mind, there are steps you can take to plan for your garden for next year, and that is what we will focus on today!

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October Hobby Gardening Checklist: Getting Ready for FALL and Halloween

October Hobby Gardening Checklist: Getting Ready for FALL and Halloween

October in the PNW, things start to change pretty rapidly. Temperatures drop, the days get shorter, and the rain (for which we are famous) starts to return in full force. 

I choose to see the beauty in the season! Cooler and wetter temperatures are just want your plants want this time of year. During their dormant stage you can make use of the perennials you have in your yards, start a new compost, and plan for next year! Check out our October Gardening Task List below- this is my favorite season to be outdoors! 

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September Hobby Garden Checklist: Get Ready for Fall

September Hobby Garden Checklist: Get Ready for Fall

Okay, you did it! You are through the busy summer, and the cozy comfort of fall is just around the corner. I can smell the pumpkin spice...or the pumpkin patch! However, gardening is never over. September is a great month to get ready for some cool weather crops, as well as begin planning for next year. The more work you put in to your plants in fall, the great return in the spring.
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Squash Blossoms: How to Identify the Differences Between Females and Males, When to Pinch the Blooms, and Recipes!

Squash Blossoms: How to Identify the Differences Between Females and Males, When to Pinch the Blooms, and Recipes!

Squash plants produce separate male and female flowers. Male flowers have a long, thin stem and typically appear earlier than female flowers. They usually grow in clusters and have a stamen in the center, which contains the pollen. Female flowers, on the other hand, have a swollen structure at the base that resembles a miniature squash. This structure is the ovary, which contains the potential fruit. Female flowers also have a stigma in the center, which is where the pollen needs to be deposited for pollination to occur.
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The Importance of a Canopy for Growing Pumpkins

The Importance of a Canopy for Growing Pumpkins

Canopies play an essential role in the cultivation of pumpkins and other crops. A canopy refers to the upper layer of leaves and branches that form a dense cover over the plants. Here are some reasons why canopies are important for pumpkin cultivation
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August: Hobby Garden Checklist

August: Hobby Garden Checklist

"August rushes by like desert rainfall, A flood of frenzied upheaval, Expected, But still catching me unprepared. Like a matchflame Bursting on the scene, Heat and haze of crimson sunsets. Like a dream Of moon and dark barely recalled, A moment, Shadows caught in a blink. Like a quick kiss; One wishes for more But it suddenly turns to leave, Dragging summer away." ― Elizabeth Maua Taylor

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Why Honey Bees are Important Pollinators, and Why We Should Care!

Why Honey Bees are Important Pollinators, and Why We Should Care!

Honey bee pollinators play a crucial role in our ecosystem and have significant importance for both the environment and human society. Here are some key points highlighting their importance
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